Cost: $280.00

Discover the amazing nature, this tour will prove you how beautiful Oman is when you drive along the coast and cross the mountains, visit the remote villages, have a swim in Fins and enjoy the white sandy beach, hike in the mountains, go through the valley and enjoy the birds and the scenic views of the huge rocks, sail with your thoughts to other countries while visiting the oldest dhow factory, follow the steps of Marco Polo in Qalhat and visit the Tomb of Baby Miriam.


  • Tour duration is 6-7 hrs.
  • Water including on board.
  • Price is per vehicle for 1-2 Pax.
  • Hike in Wadi Shab or Wadi Tuwi is not including due to the timing of the tour.
  • It is not advisable to take pictures of people / properties without requesting and obtaining permission beforehand.
  • Most swimwear styles are acceptable, but make sure you have appropriate water shoes if you are planning to swim in the Sink Hole or Fins. 

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